1 Day before my Mission!


I’ll miss her so so so much!

Hey friends this is my last post before being set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I just want to say that I really appreciate each of you as a friend, and love you. I won’t forget you in those 18 months (which is super super short). Feel free to send me a letter or an email (I want wedding announcements & other cool stuff!).
See you all in a year and a half !! 🙂 Don’t forget to look into my blog or mission page once in a while 😉 https://iamtallerthanyou.wordpress.com/
Much love
Sister Kranewitter (almost!)

Sister Larissa Kranewitter
MTC Mailbox # 314
NJ-MOR 0211
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Sister Larissa Kranewitter
New Jersey Morristown Mission
5 Cold Hill Rd S Ste 10
Mendham, NJ 07945
Unites States

2 Days before my Mission!

I felt like satan was playing roller coaster with me today, I had quite fun day but felt super crappy! I was looking for my keys every where and I could not find them! Ah! It was quite disappointing when I payed 61 dollars to drill my lock and replace it :(. My dad actually doesn’t know about it yet but he probably will scream if he sees it next month in his credit card account (at least I wil be in Jersey so he can’t call me). Then I got also hurt by some friends (emotionally) and that quite sucked… I feel that right before my mission everything goes wrong! I remember right the day after I got my call I thought my life was a big mess because of events that happened. And now right before leaving on my mission I am getting super stressed out about things!

BUT the good thing about today was the I realized again that I am blessed with such wonderful friends. They really tried to help me find my keys and get all of my stuff into the storage. If I wouldn’t have them I’d probably go insane right now (I had so many break downs today, not only because of Le Mis). But I just tried to not get angry or upset about my situation and voila … I felt heavenly fathers love for me and all my worried disappeared. Oh and by the way it was totally worth it to see Le Mis before going on my mission (if you haven’t seen it yet then you totally should. *hint* *hint*). I also had my friends over later today and it is always a blast to talk to them. Well they are quite interesting because they love to talk about romance and sexy romance 😉 (If they’re reading this right now they probably start laughing super hard because they totally know what was going on today). I also had my last ballroom dance and that was quite fantastic!

Honestly I was calm but I am starting to get a little nervous now, but I can’t until I get set apart! I am not sure who is going to be there but it’s going to be great. My email about it will be probably postet next week.

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“Sexy time” You know you want it!

3 Days before my Mission!

I just gave my fare well talk so that means I am leaving on a mission right? I cannot believe that it is coming up so fast!! I am so so so … not nervous? it’s a weird feeling… it’s excitement and… weirdness. Yeah I know that’s not really a better description BUT I was so happy to see so many friends and people that I loved at my talk. I really have an amazing ward and friends (YAY). Well the talk went fine, I wasn’t even that nervous just super tired.

Later after church I had people come over to eat cinnamon rolls and that was quite fun! I still need to write down everybody’s email address.

Ah! I am just so annoyed right now because I lost my keys somewhere at cinnamon tree and I can’t find it and I really really need them because I need to go to my storage tomorrow and I need to turn in my keys on tuesday morning. I am screwed if I don’t find them! Ah! Satan is so sneaky but he won’t destroy my day. At least I am not letting him! Ahhhh it’s so annoying though!

5 days before my Mission!!!!

CARAMBA! Is it really so soon? I think I haven’t realized everything yet. I am still thinking I’m just chilling… anyways, I finally got my whole wardrobe together! (Yay) Sometimes I really don’t like to go shopping but I am proud to say that I got 80% of my missionary cloth from DI! Who would have thought, right? I still have to get an Alarm clock and all that other small stuff but it’s crazy that I’ll be packing my suit case soon. I started to pack all of my stuff at my apartment so I can take it to the storage that I rented. I am also in process to apply to BYU and I still have to write my talk for church tomorrow. Scary! One of the Elders that taught me is coming and his wife and I am way excited!! They are such wonderful people!!

Oh boy! Boys ain’t nothing but trouble! Not that I got into trouble haha (I better not!) but I am leaving on a mission and I can’t do anything really. It’s all just bad timing but that’s okay. Anyways… I can’t wait to become a missionary! 


I week before my Mission!

Today was a really good day and I learned so much! I realized that my mission is coming up very soon and I’ll be Sister Kranewitter on tuesday. Hah! I feel that I am running out of time to do things. Anyways, so today I went to two religion classes with my best friend and they were quite fantastic! I learned so much and once again it helped for my talk. I texted the brother that assigned me the talk because I am not sure if he wants me to talk about missionary work at all. So  my topic now is on the blessings that come from spiritual preparation. It;s going to be great. 

The two religion classes that I sat in were BOM and New Testament and I loved it!! I really hope that I will get accepted by BYU so that I can get this special education. I just really want to be a cougar!!! *Rawwwrrr* We later went then to an institute class which was on the Holy Ghost and I really loved it. Bless the teachers heart for giving that lesson every wednesday for less than 5 people. I love how I have so much access to the gospel here in Provo. It is great (that’s a lame sentence but I just can’t express in words how much that means to me). I love how the people are such great examples to me. It just feels great to be somewhere were you’re with people that do the right thing. 

My friend also went shopping in my pantry and fridge and got a moth worth of food from me haha. I also realized that I am playing games every night now and I am always up in guys apartments…. well hopefully they don’t get me into trouble haha. 



1 Week and 1 Day before my Mission!

I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon! Well my highlight of today was when I went to a friends institute lesson. She did an amazing job and she is going to be such an amazing missionary. So many girls are going on missions right now! I think it’s wonderful that there are not only boys but also a lot of girl snow that willing to give the lord 1 1/2 years of their life to serve him (go missionaries!!!). Anyways, what I liked a lot about my friends lesson was that I now know what to talk about in my fare well talk. I was given the topic of temporal blessings but I should focus it on service. One of the Elders that taught me is also coming down to hear me speak wich I am really excited about! He and his wife are really wonderful people and I love them so much and can’t wait to see them. 

Also I just realized that my mission is so so so perfect for me. I love this place already without even being there!


My 20th Birthday

Well it was super fun and I am blessed to have such wonderful friends in my life. One of my best friends made me a birthday cake and it was super super cute. I love her, she is no nice and such a great friend. She is also an example to me like so many other friends that I have (I am so lucky for the friends that I have)!! I invited a buch of people after FHE and we all pretty much just had food and played just dance 🙂 Then I got cake and my face and  kissed on the cheek by handsome boys (what more do you want ?) haha


1 Week and 4 days before my Mission!

WOW. That’s the best description for this day! I am so grateful for everything heavenly father has given me in my life. Today my mission prep’s wife came and looked at my cloth and helped me to figue out what I still need and all that stuff. Well then my one of my best friends ( she is really amazing) and me went to Salt Lake to do an endowment session. We first stopped by her grandma and then DI in wich we spend about 2 good hours. To be honest half of my missionary closet is from Di. The other 20 percent is either also second hand or new. I love DI and I am glad I got all my missionary cloth. We then went to the four o clock session and it was packed! No seat was spare! It was absolutely beautiful and a different experience (live endowment). I am still impressed that they learned everything by heart. I was also thinking about my roommate and how she is going to go to the temple soon and going to feel the spirit and I just felt so happy for her! 

After the session we went to Arie to look at a jack for my mission and possibly a backpack. Well Arie is quite fantastic and pricy and I spend $230 on a waterproofed coat, a fleeze (or however you write that), and a backpack (It’s soooo much money). But I needed it and I am sure I’ll be greatful to not get soaked. Anyways, today was amazing because we we’re just at the places where we needed to be. First DI were I found the rest of the clothing that we needed (my friend also got some really really cute stuff), then the temple (it was so beautiful), and then Arie. Not only because I found all the stiff but my friend met this guy who had served at the Phillippines and gave  her really useful advice!

I loved this day and I am kind of sad it’s over! I also realized how close my mission is coming up. It just kinda crashed me a little bit with excitement and sadness, but I really feel blessed to serve a mission!
